Интересная информация от BBC

Igor G Lepyokhin, 2:5015/183.1
Тема: Интересная информация от BBC

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Tuesday, 2 July, 2002, 00:38 GMT 01:38 UK Tu-154: The backbone of Russian fleets

By Paul Duffy Russian Editor, Air Transport World

The Tupolev-154, the plane involved in a mid-air collision over southern Germany, has for 25 years been the backbone of Russia and the Soviet Union's air transport system.

It has carried half the number of all passengers flown by Aeroflot and its successors in that time, with that number peaking at 137 million per year in 1990.

A total of 923 have been built, and approximately 530 remain in service in Russia.

The aircraft entered service in 1972 and was "modernised" in 1986, with new engines and equipment to improve its fuel consumption and flight operations.


The Chinese Government decided late last year to withdraw the Tu-154 fleet from its airlines by 1 July, and so this and several others were sold back to Russia.

Difficult conditions

Since its service entry, some 28 Tu-154s have been lost in accidents, a figure about normal for the quantity, years of service and technology of the type.

The Tu-154 flies in a region with not so good air traffic control and navigation equipment, and in very difficult weather conditions.

The Tu-154 accidents include several that have little relation to the aircraft. In 1982, an aircraft landing at Omsk in Russia in a heavy snowstorm - normal for Russian winters - hit six snowploughs that had not been told to leave the runway as the aircraft landed.

Freak accidents

And about five have been shot down by enemy or terrorist attacks in Lebanon, Georgia and Afghanistan during the civil wars in those countries.

One landed safely in a field after its cargo of cigarettes caught fire but was completely burnt.

Another ran out of fuel five miles short of the runway when the state airline of an almost bankrupt country decided to carry less fuel from its base, where the price was high.

Up until July 2001, only two Tu-154 accidents had involved technical failure.

The Tu-154M is likely to remain in service in Russia and former Soviet republics for another 10 or 12 years.


Тем временем...



11:13 04.07.2002


Причиной авиакатастрофы в Германии стало нарушение правил пилотами самолета Boeing 757

Существуют правила, по которым самолет, являющийся помехой слева, должен уйти вверх, а являющийся помехой справа - вниз. Помехой слева был Боинг, Ту-154 ушел вниз. Боинг должен был уйти вверх, но тоже снизил высоту. Скорее всего, это и стало причиной столкновения самолетов.

HЕГА В мире


Igor «igor@cek.ru»

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