Fwd: Áyø - ïpÎêëÿò?

Alexander Strukovatyi, 2:5004/43.666
Òåìà: Fwd: Áyø - ïpÎêëÿò?

Í[ Ru.Military: Mon 03.02.2003 1859 hrs. ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ From : Stanislav Bereznyuk [2:5020/175.2] To : All Subj : Áyø - ïpÎêëÿò? ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[ Start of forwarded message ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Ñ îäíîãî çàïàäíîãî ôîpyìà:

Is GW Bush Cursed?

1. Election Fiasco

2. 911

3. Enron, Worldcom and other Corporate scandals

4. Economy and stocks hitting bottom

5. Iraq

6. N. Korea

7. Shuttle disaster

.... 2 more years of GW Bush?

Stanislav Bereznyuk

-+- ifmail v.2.15dev5 + Origin FidoNet Online - http://www.fido-online.com (2:5020/175.2) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ[ End of forwarded message ]ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Hello, All.

_____________________________ With best regards, Alexander. --- *Death* is not the enemy, *death* simply *is*. (c) Capt. Enrico Montoya * Origin: Z'ha'dum Mail St. (2:5004/43.666)

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